Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Dr. Cardoso presented her work on unaccompanied immigrant youth fleeing gang and state-sponsored violence, extreme poverty, environmental crises, and lack of opportunity. Once in the United States, these children and families face are confronted with a set of extreme hardships that include detention as well as lack of access to adequate legal representation, health care and mental health treatment.
Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Dr. Czerska-Shaw presented her work on anti-refugee discourse in Poland.
Universitat Pompeu Fabra
In this talk, Guadalupe Lizárraga presented her investigative reporting on femicide in Ciudad Juárez, placing it in the context of Mexican migration.
Universitat Pompeu Fabra
This talk provided updates on the impact of increasingly repressive anti-immigrant policies on Latino communities across the United States. Oscar Chacon and Helena Olea appeared by video to discuss their work on immigrants’ rights with Alianza Americas, an organization focused on economic, racial, and social justice, humane migration policies, and the protection for children and families seeking refuge.
Universitat Pompeu Fabra
This talk covered the increasingly repressive immigration policies of the European Union and its member states. From militarized responses to migrants at sea to the criminalization of rescue operations, third country return agreements, and border externalization, Europe has taken a sharp turn away from any commitment to refugee protection and fundamental rights.
Date | Title | Source | Author |
2018-09-22 View |
"Espanya paga al Marroc perquè ens maltracti" | Ara | Mas, Cristina |
2018-09-22 View |
Reprimits pel Marroc, els rifenys fugen en pasteres | Ara | Mas, Cristina |
2018-03-01 View |
Proactiva Open Arms: crònica dels fets | Ara | Mas, Cristina; Bertral, Xavier |
2018-03-01 View |
The Case Against the Open Arms: Key Events | Ara | Mas, Cristina; Bertral, Xavier |
2017-01-01 View |
Deconstructing Migration and Refugee “Crises” in the Mediterranean. The Need for a Broader Temporal and Geographical View for a Policy Reorientation in Europe | IEMed Mediterranean Yearbook | Gabrielli, Lorenzo |
2018-09-23 View |
Deu activistes rifenys tancats al CIE de Barcelona | Ara | Mas, Cristina |
2018-09-22 View |
Mohamed Aarràs, activista del moviment Hiraq: "El Marroc deixa marxar els joves per evitar més protestes Rif" | Ara | Mas, Cristina |
2018-03-17 View |
Crònica dels dos rescats de l''Open Arms' i l'incident amb els guardacostes libis | Ara | Mas, Cristina |
2018-03-25 View |
La patrullera 648 que va amenaçar Open Arms, un regal d’Itàlia a Líbia | Ara | Mas, Cristina |
2016-01-01 View |
Refugiats a l'hivern grec | Ara | Mas, Cristina; Bertral, Xavier |
2016-01-01 View |
Idomeni, última parada | Ara | Mas, Cristina; Bertral, Xavier |
2018-09-25 View |
¿On són els 116 migrants expulsats de Ceuta per Grande-Marlaksa? | Ara | Mas, Cristina |
2018-09-24 View |
Melilla, la ciutat dels nens perduts | Ara | Mas, Cristina |
2018-06-01 View |
Separar els fills dels pares: la nova política de Trump per aterrir els refugiats | Ara | Mas, Cristina |
2018-09-23 View |
La persecució dels subsaharians al Marroc empeny també els que no volien marxar a Europa | Ara | Mas, Cristina |
2018-09-23 View |
Morts a les portes d’Espanya i enterrats sense nom al Marroc | Ara | Mas, Cristina |
2018-09-25 View |
La policia marroquina decideix qui pot demanar asil a Espanya | Ara | Mas, Cristina |
2018-10-03 View |
Repressed by Morocco, Rifians flee in boats | Ara | Mas, Cristina |
2018-10-03 View |
Where are the 116 migrants expelled from Ceuta by Grande-Marlaska? | Ara | Mas, Cristina |
2018-10-21 View |
Dos homes morts i desenes de ferits en un salt a la tanca de Melilla | Ara | Mas, Cristina |
2018-12-14 View |
Una nena guatemalenca de 7 anys mor deshidratada quan estava sota custòdia policial als Estats Units | Ara | Mas, Cristina |
2019-01-31 View |
Holanda no deportarà la família armènia protegida en una església 97 dies de culte ininterromput | Ara | Mas, Cristina |
2019-01-29 View |
Sea-Watch denuncia el bloqueig als rescats davant la justícia europea | Ara | Mas, Cristina |
2019-01-18 View |
El govern espanyol demana al Suprem incomplir la sentència que l'obliga a acollir refugiats | Ara | Mas, Cristina |
2019-01-13 View |
El govern de Pedro Sánchez bloqueja l’‘Open Arms’ | Ara | Mas, Cristina |
2019-01-10 View |
Vuit països de la UE acolliran els 49 migrants rescatats | Ara | Mas, Cristina |
2019-01-09 View |
Acord per repartir els 49 nàufrags atrapats al Mediterrani central | Ara | Mas, Cristina |
2019-01-07 View |
La UE, incapaç de trobar un port per a 49 migrants rescatats | Ara | Mas, Cristina |
2019-02-02 View |
Tots els vaixells d’ONGs de rescat estan bloquejats | Ara | Mas, Cristina |
Universitat Pompeu Fabra
John Palmer, Sociodemography Research Group and Interdisciplinary Research Group on Immigration
This talk provided updates on legal and political developments in the United States, including the situation of thousands of children forcibly separated from their parents by the government, the Supreme Court’s decision on Trump’s Muslim ban, the use of mass detention, criminal prosecution, and interior raids as tools for border control, and increasing threats against naturalized citizens.
(Skip to minute 3:30 for start of talk)
Universitat Pompeu Fabra
John Palmer, Sociodemography Research Group and Interdisciplinary Research Group on Immigration
This talk was offered in light of the dramatic escalation of anti-immigrant policies under the Trump administration, including the separation of children from their parents as a tool for deterrence, mass criminal prosecutions for immigration violations, the terrorization of minority communities by immigration police and unchecked extremist groups, the retreat from refugee protection, the attack on the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals policy, and continued attempts to impose the “Muslim ban” that Trump promised on his campaign trail. The talk explores how the United States reached this point, including decades of self-reinforcing anti-immigrant policies and ballooning enforcement budgets under both Democratic and Republican administrations. It provides an overview of the Trump administration’s immigration policies, highlighting the ways in which they differ from what has been seen previously, their impact on people’s lives, and ongoing efforts to challenge and resist them.
Universitat de Barcelona
John Palmer
Universitat Pompeu Fabra
John Palmer and Mohammed El-Bachouti